Two kindred spirits with an unhealthy holiday obsession, we instantly hit it off when we started working together in boutique travel. Back then, we never dreamed we’d one day have the chutzpah to set up our own site, but after 10+ years of visiting incredible hideaways all around the world, we got pretty good at uncovering amazing little places to stay for our own holidays, and started sharing them with our friends.
And then the idea for Kip – like all great ideas – formed during a night out in the pub. Let’s make this bigger, and connect with a community of like-minded travellers who are also searching for those under-the-radar gems. And so, our collection of small places with soul was born. Well, nearly. The actual searching for so many incredible hideaways and creating a proper website took a lot longer (who knew?!) and was way more complicated. But with help from a brilliant team of creatives (that’s you, Studio Baum and Doc & Tee), we managed to pull it all together.
We are so excited to share these gorgeous escapes with you. We love their style, we love their price range, and we adore all the thoughtful detail that makes them so special. Their owners are all inspirational people who truly care that their hideaway is amazing, and really look after the guests who stay.
So, if you’ve got this far, thank you – from the bottom of our hearts – for being interested in our story. As a way to share the love, if you join Kip in 2019 we’ll give you a whole year’s membership completely free. Sign up after that and it’s £10 for a year, or £1.99 for 30 days (pay as you go).
We hope you enjoy using Kip as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.
Liz and Sarah x